We have delivered hundreds of water, civil, transport, and environmental projects in over fifty countries. During the past fifteen years alone, we have:
- Provided water services to over 10 million consumers.
- Delivered water sector projects with a construction value of over €3 billion.
- Provided over 3 million man-hours of engineering services to the water industry.
- Worked in over 20 countries throughout the developing world.
- Developed a strong track record in the delivery of projects funded by IFI’s.
- Extensively used the conditions of contract of these agencies including the FIDIC Conditions of Contract.
We consistently delivers technical and organizational expertise that fosters innovative and economical solutions in water supply, whilst successfully complying with the stringent regulatory requirements that govern water quality.
We provide a full suite of engineering services for planning, design, and implementation, whilst establishing best practices in the areas of:
- Strategic Planning
We assist clients in planning and managing urban, peri-urban, and regional sanitation schemes by providing services related to catchment hydraulics and energy efficient and sustainable urban drainage.
- Urban Drainage
We provide comprehensive services across all elements of the collection system, from sanitary collection points to large-scale wastewater transfer pipelines. Additionally, we facilitate other elements of the collection system including gravity sewers, pressure sewers, and pump stations, for both wastewater and surface water.
- Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
Our engineers and environmental consultants prepare studies and develop efficient designs for wastewater treatment plants, from village scale to municipal scale. Our services include influent quality analysis, assessment of treatment systems, the development and monitoring of pilot plants, and design of treatment facilities that include process, civil, building, and mechanical and electrical systems engineering.
- Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants
We offer process, civil, building, and mechanical and electrical systems engineering. These services include influent quality analysis, nutrient analysis, co-treatment analysis, assessment of treatment systems for high strength loads, the development and monitoring of pilot plants to assess treatability, and treatment facilities design.
- Sludge
This by-product of wastewater treatment needs careful management and requires significant planning for long term sustainability. Our services include sludge quality analysis, nutrient analysis, energy recovery, sludge treatment and beneficial re-use analysis.
- Alternative Technologies
We strive to use the most appropriate technology for any scenario, and our engineers can advise on the optimum solution in relation to collection and treatment process technologies.
- Infrastructure Management
We provide advisory and consultancy services for all aspects of wastewater management to utility companies. We have implemented water usage studies, operation efficiency studies, energy efficiency studies, pollutant source studies, metering and billing projects, and institutional strengthening and capacity building initiatives.
Our range of engineering and technical services include:
- Master planning
- Technical and economic feasibility studies
- Environmental impact assessments
- Project development planning
- Design
- Risk management assessment
- Optioneering of alternative designs
- Conceptual & detailed designs & documents
- Quality management
- Water quality monitoring
- Training and capacity building
- Operational monitoring